When was SWR Institute formed?

The Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute, as it was called then, was formed in 1976 by 12 commercial waterproofing and sealant contractors from around the country.  Their mission was to form an organization that would be dedicated as an open forum where issues and best practices could be discussed and promoted.  As the organization grew, it began to include manufacturers, architects, engineers and consultants in the Institute’s membership.

What are the membership categories?

Contractors are the primary membership category and per the bylaws, this category must comprise 60% of the total membership.  The other two categories are Manufacturer (companies that manufacture sealant, waterproofing and/or restoration materials or products) and Associate (architects, engineers, specifiers and consultants) and these two categories can only have a maximum of 20% each of the total membership.  

How many members are there?

Currently there are approximately 275 member companies.  We are a small organization but when looking at the number of employees represented by our members…it runs into the thousands.

What are the dues?

The dues change from time to time but in most cases the dues are determined by the sales of the company.  For the most up-to-date membership dues, please go to the Membership section of this website.

What do I get for my dues?

There is tremendous value in being a member of SWR Institute.  The foremost benefit of membership is having a very close knit group of professionals who are dedicated to making our industry the best it can be.  This is not just an idle boast because SWR Institute members are well known to be a resource that can be counted upon to help answer questions and provide valuable insights into the intricacies of all different kinds of work that goes into sealant, waterproofing and restoration projects.  In addition to the value of having a tremendous network of members, as a member you will receive discounts on publications, meetings and discounts from our Alliance partners.  

Does SWR Institute have meetings?

SWR Institute hosts two technical meetings each year.  We hold one in the fall and the other, the annual meeting, in late winter or early spring.  Both have equal value in terms of program and presentations.  And, considerable effort is expended by the Program Planning committee to ensure effective and worthwhile programs.  Both meetings are held in various locations around the country and sometimes in Canada.  Both meetings qualify for AIA and RCI educational credits.

How big is the board?

The board is comprised of 15 individuals.  An Executive Committee (President, President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer and Immediate Past President) and eleven directors (7 Contractor, 2 Manufacturer and 2 Associate)

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Does SWR Institute interact with other allied associations?

Our Alliance Partners include:  Adhesives and Sealant Council (ASC), International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI), International Window Cleaners Association (IWCA), OSHA, RCI, SEAL, Sealant and Waterproofing Association (Canada) and Scaffold & Access Industry Association (SAIA).

What type of publications does SWR Institute publish?

SWR Institute publishes a wide variety of technical publications that pertain to our industry.  The complete list of our publications can be found on the SWR Institute Online Store.  In addition, we publish The Applicator, a journal that concentrates of projects, best practices and the issues that impact upon our industry.  Members also receive a monthly newsletter called Member Briefs that provides current news of the organization and the industry.

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