Company & Contact Information
*Company Name Required
*Address Required
Address 2
*City State Zip Required Required
*Phone Required
*Email Required
Company URL
*Primary Contact Required
*Title Required
Other Office Locations (City/State)
Industry certifications
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Company Profile ( important: please complete the appropriate section )
It is important to complete the following information as it will be used to develop a descriptive profile of your company. This information will then be used for the membership listing and web site resources. Please answer all questions.

Year Company Established:

Years in the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry:

Do you have approved applicator status with any manufacturers?


If yes, please list manufacturers

List three recent projects and what work you did on them:

Please list other professional affiliations

Identify geographical distribution of work. (ex Maine 75% / other US 25%)

What is your primary business base?
(By percentages)
Industrial %
Commercial %
Multi-residential %
Institutional %
Total 100%
What is the type of work you do? (By percentages)
Renovation %
New Construction %
Historic Restoration %
  Total 100%
Work Categories (By percentages)
Sealants %
Above grade waterproofing (elastomeric, etc) %
Below grade waterproofing %
Concrete restoration %
Roofing %
Deck coating systems %
Floor coating systems %
Masonry restoration %
Concrete repair %
Polymer & wall coatings %
Other    %
  Total 100%
It is important to complete the following information as it will be used to develop a descriptive profile of your company. This information will then be used for the membership listing and web site resources. Please answer all questions.

Year Company Established

Years in the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry

List 3 recent projects you were involved in and your involvement

Are you or a member of your staff a Professional Engineer (PE) or a liscensed Architect


If the answer is no, to qualify for Associate membership you must hold a certification from a recognized industry association.


Identify geographical distribution of your work (ex Maine 75% / other US 25%)

What is your primary business base?
(By percentages)
Industrial %
Commerical %
Multi-residential %
Institutional %
Total 100%

What is the type of work you do?
(By percentages)
Renovation %
New Construction %
Historic Restoration %
Total 100%

Work Categories
(By percentages)
Sealants %
Above grade waterproofing (elastomeric, etc) %
Below grade waterproofing %
Concrete restoration %
Roofing %
Deck coating systems %
Floor coating systems %
Masonry restoration %
Concrete repair %
Poylmer & wall coatings %
  Total 100%

Recognized Organizations:

The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI)
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC)
Associated Speciality Contractors (ASC)
Association for Facility Engineers
Construction Specification Institute (CSI)
Institute of Roofing & Waterproofing Consultants (IRWC)
International Waterproofing Association (IWA)
Portland Cement Association (PCA)
National Roofing & Waterproofing Contractor Association (NRCA)
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA)
National Concrete Masonry Association
Structural Engineers Institute
American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC)
National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
American Council of Construction Consultants (ACCC)
National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC)

It is important to complete the following information as it will be used to develop a descriptive profile of your company. This information will then be used for the membership listing and web site resources. Please answer all questions.
Year Company Established

Years manufacturing sealant, waterproofing and restoration products

Do you have an approved applicator program?


If Yes, for what products

Please list sealant, waterproofing and restoration products manufactured by your company

List 3 recent projects you were involved in where your products were used

Please list other professional affiliations

Identify geographical distribution of your products (ex Maine 75% - other US 25%)

What is your primary business base?
(By percentages)
Industrial %
Commerical %
Multi-residential %
Institutional %
Total 100%

What is the type of work you do?
(By percentages)
Renovation %
New Construction %
Historic Restoration %
  Total 100%

Work Categories
(By percentages)
Sealants %
Above grade waterproofing (elastomeric, etc) %
Below grade waterproofing %
Concrete restoration %
Roofing %
Deck coating systems %
Floor coating systems %
Masonry restoration %
Concrete repair %
Poylmer & wall coatings %
Other %
  Total 100%
It is important to complete the following information as it will be used to develop a descriptive profile of your company. This information will then be used for the membership listing and web site resources. Please answer all questions.

SWR Institute Member Company which you were affiliated:

How many years were you employed with or owned this company?

Years company was an active SWR Institute member company in good standing:

Your company was an:
SWR Institute Contractor Member
SWR Institute Manufacturer Member
SWR Institute Associate Member

It is important to complete the following information as it will be used to develop a descriptive profile of your company. This information will then be used for the membership listing and web site resources. Please answer all questions.
School Attending
School Address
School City, State, Zip
Current Year In School
Expected Grad. Date
Membership Agreement
Required I do hereby make application for membership in the Sealant, Waterproofing & Restoration Institute and agree to abide by the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the Institute and pay all duly levied dues and assessments. It is also understood that to qualify for membership, our company must have been in the sealant, waterproofing or restoration business for at least one year (if not applying for student membership). The undersigned warrants the accuracy of the information contained herein.
Additional Branch Mailings

If your company has more than one office and would like the additional branches to receive key mail (Applicator magazine, Member Briefs newsletter, promotional pieces, e-mails, etc.), please enter the number of branches here. When your application is approved we will request the contact information for the branches via email.

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