About the Program

The Validated Training Program was established to validate the training programs offered in our industry. The intent of the program is to develop training resources for installers that will ultimately benefit specifiers, contractors, manufacturers, and end-users of sealant, waterproofing and restoration specialties. It is felt that specifiers, contractors, manufacturers and other end-users will feel more comfortable in using installers that have completed installation training as outlined in SWR Institute’s Validated Training Program.

The following SWR Institute volunteers are available to mentor you through the Training Validation Program process:

Dan Cain
The George D. Alan Company
Dave Kimball


Training Validation Program Details

SWR Institute charges $450.00 per Validated Training Program for members of SWR Institute and $1,200.00 for non-members. This must be paid when the Application is delivered to SWR Institute.

The Validated Training Course must include certain minimum standards to be considered. These minimum standards are listed on the Validated Training Program Registration Form and the Training Program Agreement. Courses that exceed minimum standards are not only acceptable, but encouraged. The proposed Validated Training Program shall be submitted to SWR Institute with all of the components including a printed course outline, training manual, list of video, audio or printed references, resumes of training staff, copies of the written examinations, and a list of proposed monitors/ proctors that will be available to review the program to insure that the program follows the course outline.
SWR Institute Validation Committee will review the submission for compliance with the Validated Training Program requirements and approve or return the program to the applicant.

If the training program is validated, the company must provide a monitor or proctor to be present during the training to insure that the training complies with the guidelines of the Validated Training Program Agreement. The training can be video recorded and reviewed off site by the proctor if preferred. The monitor/proctor must be one of those listed in the submission of the Validated Training Program Registration Package. The monitor/proctor shall notify the SWR Institute and the company providing the training whether the individual training course meets the agreed upon course objectives. Cost of the monitor/proctor (if any) will be borne by the company.

If the program fails to meet the training guidelines the member has ninety (90) days to convene a subsequent training program in which the monitor/proctor has indicated that the training course meets the required elements. If the company fails to convene a course within ninety (90) days or if said course does not include the required elements, then said validation will be terminated.

The company must notify SWR Institute of any material change to the information submitted on or with the original application for validation.

Each validated program has a term of five years from the date of validation unless terminated earlier as provided in the Validation Program Agreement.  In addition, if the validated program is reformatted in such a way as to affect any of the characteristics validated, the validation approval status becomes void. The member must resubmit the new program, and pass the validation procedure to obtain a new validation status. A new validation agreement and seal will be issued for such situations.

Any misrepresentation of the Validation Seal as signifying anything other than the validation of the training program or the misuse of the Validation Seal in any way may be grounds for SWR Institute, in its sole judgment, to withdraw the Validation Certificate and the company’s right to use the Validation Seal.

Upon expiration of the validated program, the program must be resubmitted for approval, even if no changes have been made.

Any appeal shall be submitted in writing to the validation committee chair person who will then review matters with the Institute’s Executive committee for an unbiased decision. Results will be forwarded to the applicant of this decision.

Download Application Form

Click here for the Validated Training Program Agreement and Application Form

Submission must be submitted and delivered to SWR Institute at the following address:

Sealant, Waterproofing & Restoration Institute
ATTN: Validated Training Program Committee
400 Admiral Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64106

Submission Must Include:

  • Training Program Registration Form
  • Validated Training Program Agreement signed by authorized person
  • Payment of $450 for member/ $1,200 non member.
  • Course Name and CSI Code
  • Name of Entity Applying for Validation
  • Course Outline in compliance with Requirements for Validation:
    • 1 hour overview
    • 1 hour safety
    • 1 hour material science
    • 1 hour visual demonstration
    • 1 hour plans and specification review
    • 2 hours hands on installation
    • ½ hour quality control
    • ½ hour testing and evaluation
  • Copy of training manual
  • Copies of written examinations
  • Resumes of training staff
  • List of books, videos and other reference materials
  • List of individuals to be used as monitors/proctors along with resumes of each individual.
  • Copy of Certificate of Completion for training.


Click here for the Proctor Evaluation Form

Click here for the Attendee Evaluation Form

Training Validation Program FAQs

Why have a validation training program?
The purpose for having a validated training program is to establish minimum standards that can be used as a baseline for the development of training programs. Many tradesmen claim to be trained and many companies claim to have trained installers, but there are few standards in our industry that define what training programs shall include.
Why is the training program validated and not the employee or company?
An individual training program is validated because it is the most objective way to validate the integrity of the training function. SWR Institute can verify that a submitted program meets the minimum requirements that are required for validation. The burden of implementation and execution falls on the entity seeking validation of their training program. Validating an individual employee may give the false impression that the institute is validating an individual’s competence. SWR Institute is validating that a training program meets the minimum requirements as outlined, not that an individual person or company is trained
Why does the program have the various components; safety, hands on, etc.?
The minimum requirements of the SWR Institute Validated Training Program are designed to encourage a basic understanding of safe and correct installation of critical scopes of work. The requirements address that need to present information in a variety of different formats as well as hands on training as well as evaluation of the trainees. The combined components are intended to reinforce consistent good trade practices.
Who can submit a training program?
Any individual, group or company, member or non-member. Contractors, manufacturers, educators and consultants can find value in developing training programs.
Will others be able to view my training program?
It’s your choice. Training programs submitted for validation can be shared or held confidentially among SWR Institute validation committee upon the submitter’s request.
What fees are associated with branch office validated training programs?
There is no fee for a branch operation’s training program. A firm’s training program is validated regardless of where it is offered or taught. The purpose of the Validated Training Program concept is to promote the development of effective craft training programs.
What is the renewal process?
The renewal process is the same as original submissions. This will promote periodic review of training programs to insure the best practices and current material technologies are being considered.
What if I would like to have someone mentor me through the training validation process?

Contact one of the following SWR Institute volunteers who available to mentor you through the Training Validation Program process:

Dan Cain, The George D. Alan Company

Dave Kimball, Technical Specialist – Building Envelope Group

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