How can the SWR Institute Be an Asset to you and Your Company?


With our membership being comprised of contractors, manufacturers, architects and project engineers in the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry, you will be a part of an organization that knows what you do for a living.  The members become not only a ready resource for answers to any questions but a source of training and fellowship that cannot be topped.  Because of the involvement of our members, not only with SWR Institute but the industry itself, you will become a part of the solutions that face us in our daily business lives.  And, time over time, this commitment to SWR Institute has paid dividends to our members through additional business, shared resources, education and fellowship.

Benefits of membership include:

  • Practical oriented workshops, seminars and training at SWR Institute meetings held twice a year.
  • Unique forums to discuss business techniques and practices designed to make your operation more cost and time effective.
  • Training materials on a complimentary basis or at reduced member rates.
  • Subscription to the Applicator, our publication that provides technical articles and news that impact our industry and your business
  • Internal publications containing vital and pertinent information available only to members.
  • Opportunities for networking with peers both nationally and internationally... tapping into the skill and knowledge of others in a non-competitive way.
  • Helping set best practices for our industry.

SWR Institute is a very active organization. Our committees, made up of contractors, manufacturers design professionals and consultants have developed several technical and safety manuals, two books and a two-day training video on sealants. Our volunteers have developed validation programs that offer third party verification of the products and training programs offered to the industry.  Committees also are heavily involved in planning SWR Institute Technical Meetings, increasing membership and promoting brand awareness in the industry.

If you're interested in learning more about our organization contact us today !


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SWR Institute Membership Categories

Associate membership may be conferred upon any architect (RA), engineer (PE) or other licensed design professional whose services are primarily in the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry, or consultant who is affiliated with an industry association program recognized by the board of directors (see below list) or possesses a minimum of five (5) years of experience as a consultant in the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry. Associate members shall not be eligible to be officers in the organization. However, such members can be appointed to serve on committees and two (2) associate members may be elected to the board of directors.

Associate Annual Dues  
$1 to $999,999 $600.00
$1,000,0000 to $9,999,999 $800.00
$10,000,0000+ $1000.00

For Associate Members applying for membership who are not a Professional Engineer (PE), not a Registered Architect (RA) and/or do not possess a minimum of five (5) years experience as a consultant in the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry, please continue reading and refer to the list below.   These are recognized industry associations related to the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry. Applicants may use this list when applying for SWR Institute Membership.  These organizations are all recognized by SWR Institute, however, associate applicants are not limited to this list.

When applying for membership, you must state the organization(s) and which certification(s) you hold.  You will be interviewed more thoroughly about these details by the Membership Chair after submitting your application.

Recognized industry associations include:



Contractor membership is open to persons, corporations, partnerships or associations, which install sealant, waterproofing or restoration materials. Membership is by company and is a voting category.  Contactor members can serve on committees and are eligible to be elected to serve on the board of directors and hold office.  

Dues are based on Annual Sales:

Annual Sales Dues Amount
$1 - $999,999 $600
$1,000,000 - $2,499,999 $800
$2,500,000 - $4,999,999 $1,000
$5,000,000 - $10,000,000 $1,300
$10,000,000 + $1,700

Manufacturing membership shall include any proprietorship or corporation engaged in manufacturing of sealant, waterproofing or restoration products which are sold to contractor members. Manufacturer members shall not be eligible to be officers in the organization; however, Manufacturer members can serve on committees and two (2) manufacturer members may be elected to the board of directors butnot serve as officers.

Dues are based on Annual Sales:

Annual Sales Dues Amount
$1 - $2,999,999 $1,350
$3,000,000 - $50,000,000 $1,750
$50,000,000 + $3,500

Senior membership may be conferred upon any individual, representative or employee who has retired or semi-retired from a Contractor, Associate or Manufacturer SWR Institute member company that has been in good standing as a member for five years. 

Dues are based on a per-person basis.

Senior Annual Dues: $250

Student membership shall be available to any student of an educational institution of college grade or vocational/technical institution who is devoting more than half time to a degree program associated with the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry. Student members shall have no vote nor be eligible to be an officer in the organization. However, such members can be appointed to serve on committees of the organization. Policies governing the participation of student members shall be determined by the board of directors.

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