Volunteer Leadership

SWR Institute’s organizational structure is a partnership of a volunteer board of directors and professional staff. There are fifteen directors, of which eleven are contractor members, two are associate (design professionals) members and two manufacturer members. The four officers of the board, which is also the Executive Committee, are all contractor members.
The SWR Institute staff consists of association professionals with considerable experience in the construction industries. The staff serves the board to assure that the goals and projects of SWR Institute are achieved.
SWR Institute has several standing and ad hoc committees that provide the manpower and expertise to achieve the many initiatives or the institute. Our committees are all volunteer based and work very hard in developing the programs and publications that our members and industry come to expect. The SWR institute is always looking for volunteers who want to share their expertise and time. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact Headquarters
If you are interested in joining SWR Institute, please click here for more information.