For almost 40 years of serving our industry, SWR Institute has amassed a considerable range of materials and information.  In this section we line out some of our resources that should provide guidance and answer many questions.  There is a complete listing of all of our membership by category, where they are located, their expertise, products and other information that will help you in your serach for a contractor, engineering/design firm or a manufacturer.  Additionally, we list allied associations and government agencies that we have formal alliances.  Together these alliances help us define and develop better approches and best practices in our industry.  Of particular interest are the listings of speaker presentations and videos of these presentations that have been given at our two annual technical meetings over many years.  The information in these presentations and videos are amazing reference tools on specific topics and issues of our industry.  Lastly, there is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about SWR Insitute itself.  We feel after visiting this section of the website, you will want to become a member of SWR Institute!

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