About the Program

SWR Institute is proud of its Validation Programs.  Begun over 10 years ago with liquid sealants, we have expanded to include many other products used on a daily basis in our industry.  The Product Validation Program is designed to validate certain performance data that is found on manufacturer's MSDS statements.  All of our validation programs are voluntary and laboratory tests are conducted by approved independent laboratories.  This approach assures the user of validated products that they match or exceed the various tested performance criteria.  The Validation Seal granted to successfully validated products has a specific time frame which upon expiration, the manufacturer has to re-submit the product for new testing.  Additionally, if there is a change in formulation, the manufacturer has to submit for new validation.  The SWR Institute's Product Validation Program is another tool that end-users, specifiers, designers and engineers can use to ensure the effectiveness of products they want to use.

Product Validation Program Details

The Liquid Sealant Validation Program was established to validate the published test results of the various sealant products on the market. The intent of the program is to provide specifiers and end-users of sealant products an unbiased method to judge whether sealant products will perform at the levels of the manufacturer's published data sheet for that particular product.

Performance Properties Profile

Validation of the SWR Institute Performance Properties Profile shall include the following ASTM tests:

  • C 719 (Canada - Method 14.4 - Can 2-19.0-M77) Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (Hockman Cycle). Test must be performed to validate the greatest joint movement capability claimed on the Manufacturer's data sheet.

**** As of September 2012, ASTM C 661 is no longer required under SWR Institute's Sealant Validation Program.

Please note: All ASTM tests performed shall be the latest or current edition. All tests performed shall NOT be modified in any way. Sealant color for testing shall be selected from manufacturer's standard color chart.

Validation shall remain in effect for five years from the date of the validation testing. In the event the sealant product is re-formulated by the manufacturer, the product must be re-tested and re-validated. Upon expiration of the validated product, it must be re-submitted for testing even if no changes have been made to the product.

Laboratory Selection Process

The Clear Penetrating Vertical Water Repellent Validation Program was established to validate the published test results of the various vertical water repellent products on the market. The intent of the program is to provide specifiers and end-users of sealant products an unbiased method to judge whether vertical water repellent products will perform at the levels of the manufacturer's published data sheet for that particular product.

Performance Properties Profile

Validation of the SWR Institute Performance Properties Profile shall include the following ASTM tests:

Water Absorption

  • ASTM C67 – Brick
  • ASTM C140 – CMU
  • ASTM D6532 – Concrete

Water Vapor Transmission

  • ASTM D6490 – Concrete

Please Note: All ASTM tests performed shall be conducted under the standardized criteria set forth in Appendix A. All ASTM tests performed shall be of the latest or current edition. Test to stated capabilities published on the Manufacturer’s technical data sheets.

Validation shall remain in effect for five years from the date of the validation testing. In the event the vertical water repellent product is re-formulated by the manufacturer, the product must be re-tested and re-validated. Upon expiration of the validated product, it must be re-submitted for testing even if no changes have been made to the product.

Laboratory Selection Process

The Cementitious Concrete Materials Validation Program was established to validate the published test results of the various cementitious concrete materials products on the market. The intent of the program is to provide specifiers and end-users of products an unbiased method to judge whether cementitious concrete materials will perform at the levels of the manufacturer's published data sheet for that particular product.

Performance Properties Profile

Validation of the SWR Institute Performance Properties Profile shall include the following ASTM tests:

  • ASTM C 143 Slump (extended) or ASTM C 109 Flow (mortar)
  • ASTM C 403 Set Time (extended) or ASTM C 191 (mortar)
  • ASTM C 39 (extended) or ASTM C 109 (mortar) Compressive Strength - 3 hour, 1/7/28 day readings
  • ASTM C 1583 Bond Strength - 28 day reading
  • ASTM C 157, modified per ASTM C 928 Length Change - 28 days (air & water storage)

Please note: All ASTM tests performed shall be of the latest or current edition. Test to stated capabilities published on the Manufacturer’s technical data sheets.

Validation for any product tested shall remain in effect for a period not to exceed five (5) years from the date of which the Validation Testing is done, so long as the product is not reformulated by manufacturers in such a way as to effect any of the characteristics tested and validated or manufacturer makes claims above and beyond those that were tested and verified by the independent testing laboratory.

Laboratory Selection Process

The SWR Institute Deck Coating Program was established to validate the published test results of the various deck coating products on the market. The intent of the program is to provide specifiers and end-users of deck coating products an unbiased method to judge whether deck coating products will perform at the levels of the manufacturer's published data sheet for that particular product.

Performance Properties Profile

Validation of the SWR Institute Performance Properties Profile shall include the following tests:

  • ASTM D 412 - Tensile Strength of Top Coat
  • ASTM D 4541 - Adhesion of Base Coat
  • ASTM D 4060 - Abrasion Resistance of Top Coat

Note: All ASTM tests performed shall be of the latest or current edition.

  • Deck Coating color for testing shall be selected from Manufacturer’s standard color chart.
  • Test to stated capabilities published on the Manufacturer’s technical data sheets.

Validation shall remain in effect for five years from the date of the validation testing. In the event the product is re-formulated by the manufacturer, the product must be re-tested and re-validated. Upon expiration of the validated product, it must be re-submitted for testing even if no changes have been made to the product.

Laboratory Selection Process

The SWR Institute Pre-Cured Sealant Program was established to validate the published test results of the various pre-cured sealant products on the market. The intent of the program is to provide specifiers and end-users of pre-cured sealant products an unbiased method to judge whether pre-cured sealant products will perform at the levels of the manufacturer's published data sheet for that particular product.

Performance Properties Profile

Validation of the SWR Institute Performance Properties Profile shall include the following tests:

  • C 1523 Standard Test Method for Determining Modulus, Tear and Adhesion Properties of Pre-cured Elastomeric Joint Sealants. Test must be performed to validate the greatest joint movement capability and tear propagation properties claimed on the Manufacturer’s data sheet.
  • D 412 Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension. Test must be performed to validate the ultimate elongation at break as claimed on the manufacturers data sheet.

Please note: All ASTM tests performed shall be the latest or current edition. All tests performed shall NOT be modified in any way. Sealant color for testing shall be selected from manufacturer's standard color chart.

Validation shall remain in effect for five years from the date of the validation testing. In the event the pre-cured sealant product is re-formulated by the manufacturer, the product must be re-tested and re- validated. Upon expiration of the validated product, it must be re-submitted for testing even if no changes have been made to the product.

Laboratory Selection Process

The SWR Institute Wall Coating Validation Program was established to validate the published test results of the various wall coating products on the market. The intent of the program is to provide specifiers and end-users of wall coating products an unbiased method to judge whether wall coating products will perform at the levels of the manufacturer's published data sheet for that particular product.

Performance Properties Profile

Validation of the SWR Institute Performance Properties Profile shall include the following tests:

  • Solids content by volume and density - ASTM D 2697
  • Wind-driven Rain - ASTM D 6904 - Test procedure at required film thickness. Tested at specified film thickness.
  • Moisture Vapor Transmission - D1653 - at required film thickness - wet cup testing.
  • Tensile Strength/Elongation @ Break - ASTM D 412 or ASTM D 2370 - at required film thickness @ 20 inches/minute.
  • Crack Bridging - ASTM C 1305 (pre-existing crack)

Please note: All ASTM tests performed shall be of the latest or current edition. All tests performed, with the exception of Resistance to Wind-driven Rain, shall NOT be modified in any way. Wall coating color for testing shall be selected from a manufacturer's standard color chart. Test to stated capabilities published on the manufacturer's technical data sheets.

Laboratory Selection Process

Product Validation FAQs

How long will I have to wait to get Validation data?
I require independent test data from manufacturers now. They often delay until I have no choice but to accept data sheet statistics to keep on schedule. How long will I have to wait to get Validation data?

If the product has been validated, SWR Institute will fax or mail the actual laboratory report to you within 48 hours of your request.
Are variations (plus/minus) an assurate method of joint design calculation?
Most data sheets claim a plus or minus percent movement now. I use this in my joint design calculations. Is this an accurate method?

The C 719 test must be done to validate the movement as listed in the SWR Institute Data Screen. Regardless of what may be stated or implied elsewhere on the manufacturers data sheet. Be sure you use the specific manufacturer's joint design criteria for their product on your specific application.
What if a manufacturer changes their formulation after being validated?
If the validated product is changed, it must be re-validated.
How do I know whether the validation has expired?
The date of validation and the expiration date are displayed on the SWR Institute Seal of Validation.
What if ASTM changes one of the test procedures?
If the change is significant, unexpired validated products may be required to revalidate with the new procedure. However, all testing is done with the most current test updates.
Can any type of sealant be validated?
Why are there only two tests? ASTM C 920 has many more.
C 719 and C 661 are the significant tests to show performance as a joint sealant.
Are you saying the other C 920 tests aren't as important?
All of the criteria tests of ASTM C 920 have an importance in sealant joint design. However, the two tests for validation deal with the capability of a sealant to perform as a seal, its primary function.
Are manufacturers required to validate their products?
The SWR Institute Sealant Validation Program is entirely voluntary. If you have any questions that were not answered here, please contact us (e-mail info@swrionline.org).

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